
Iceland is an island country, located in the Northern Atlantic

Its territory consists of the Iceland island and other small islands.

Official language — icelandic

Capital — Reykjavik

Form of government — parliamentary republic

Head of state — president, is elected to a four-year term by universal adult suffrage. Prime minister is chosen by the president. Legislature — one-housed parliament (Althing)

Iceland is a member of the UN, NATO, EFTA and OECD.

Currency — Icelandic krуna (ISK)

Population — 0,3 million people (177th in 2013)

GDP — $14,620 billion (120th in 2013, according to The World Bank)

Market access

Tariff barriers: Iceland custom tariff

Non-tariff barriers: not declared (with regards to products from Russian as of 1st of July 2014)

Current external markets trade barriers schedule by The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Trade relations with Russia

Source: The Federal Customs Service of Russia

Import structure from Iceland to Russia

(according to the Federal Customs Service of Russia; thousand of USD)

Product codeProduct label20032004200520062007200820092010201120122013
All products10 58927 74939 66677 45866 74580 71553 940122 581197 290180 663194 958
03Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates nes3 45918 33925 00945 90043 21753 38544 719101 190172 191155 736169 684
30Pharmaceutical products0054811 1724 63111 6334 93815 73213 6749 16111 110
90Optical, photo, technical, medical, etc. apparatus573604454994357837645291 3813 4503 353
16Meat, fish and seafood food preparations nes141262273991 2035142616819342 2272 992
02Meat and edible meat offal48332513712522247801 1436963 4162 127
89Ships, boats and other floating structures000000053601 5741 840
72Iron and steel0784 0896 7801 04263909241 71411844
22Beverages, spirits and vinegar5650000149577659784
15Animal,vegetable fats and oils, cleavage products, etc.2061761321 2710378545578686
84Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers, etc.8868122 4105 4954 20510 1502 6626074 5212 332571
39Plastics and articles thereof1047548821442409614775382351
17Sugars and sugar confectionery6653106437376395307276250192203
85Electrical, electronic equipment03954 8729 2805042942365460156
60Knitted or crocheted fabric5945253181616510387131102
73Articles of iron or steel021914445252136865558
Other5 4547 5256 4971 3461 7326377810819429997

Export structure from Russia to Iceland

(according to the Federal Customs Service of Russia; thousand of USD)

Product codeProduct label20032004200520062007200820092010201120122013
All products3 2122 3197 7948 03346 10415 2993 88112 03210 78431 26716 046
31Fertilizers816356434003906 6651 6344 6305 943
27Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, etc.8526210040 4136 912005219 8833 828
26Ores, slag and ash002 3486041 7192 8172 2273 1605 1512 2882 843
44Wood and articles of wood, wood charcoal3193738688702 1378675196281 1759891 346
90Optical, photo, technical, medical, etc. apparatus2383092825436656635356031 0471 030986
40Rubber and articles thereof26853753523608512022690172344
24Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes621118920119385157201127149134
39Plastics and articles thereof00097018304482100
73Articles of iron or steel41532 9394 17434002265183
03Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates nes3002331 002386000046171
83Miscellaneous articles of base metal000000002071
68Stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica, etc. articles000000002450
56Wadding, felt, nonwovens, yarns, twine, cordage, etc.823007016035514224343
84Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers, etc.12973189170196713410743447237
85Electrical, electronic equipment00000304849229435
Other691315371081643 761117366519132

Major foreign trade partners of Iceland in 2013

(according to International Trade Center; thousand of USD)

World9 785 103100.0%
1Netherlands1 750 89317.9%
2Germany1 007 21910.3%
3Norway981 14510.0%
4USA712 2917.3%
5United Kingdom697 5667.1%
6China449 4284.6%
7Denmark447 1664.6%
8Brazil373 8413.8%
9France344 1493.5%
10Italy275 8862.8%
11Spain259 2482.6%
13Russian Federation200 3862.0%

Source: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation


On the 3rd of November 2013 the official ceremony commemorating the commencement of a free trade area negotiation between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with its member — states (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway) and The Customs Union member-states (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) took place in Geneva (the Swiss Confederation). The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) — a free trade area and economic union of Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.

Since 2011 talks between the Customs Union member-states’ joint negotiating team and the EFTA representatives have been taking place. There have been 11 rounds of talks. The latest took place in February 2014 in Moscow.

Russia-Iceland bilateral agreements

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