The Kingdom of Norway is a country in the Northern Europe
The country shares an eastern border with Sweden, Finland and Russia. Norway has an extensive coastline, facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea.
Official language — norwegian
Capital — Oslo
Form of government — constitutional monarchy, unitary state. King is both head of State and head of the Executive branch. Top legislature — two-housed parliament — Storting.
Currency — Norwegian krone (NOK)
Population — 5,1 million people (114th in 2013)
GDP — $512,580 billion (25th in 2013, according to The World Bank)
Market access
Tariff barriers: Norway custom tariff
Non-tariff barriers: not declared (with regards to products from Russian as of 1st of July 2014)
Trade relations with Russia
Source: The Federal Customs Service of Russia
Import structure from Norway to Russia
(according to the Federal Customs Service of Russia; thousand of USD)
Export structure from Russia to Norway
(according to the Federal Customs Service of Russia; thousand of USD)
Major foreign trade partners of Norway in 2013
(according to International Trade Center; thousand of USD)
Source: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
On the 3rd of November 2013 the official ceremony commemorating the commencement of a free trade area negotiation between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with its member — states (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway) and The Customs Union member-states (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) took place in Geneva (the Swiss Confederation). The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) — a free trade area and economic union of Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.
Since 2011 talks between the Customs Union member-states’ joint negotiating team and the EFTA representatives have been taking place. There have been 11 rounds of talks. The latest took place in February 2014 in Moscow.