In Tatarstan the beginning of the 21st century saw a remarkable event — on January 10, 2001, Tatyana Anodina, chairman of Interstate Air Committee, presented the documents on TU-214 airliner to the Kazan Industrial Enterprise named after S.Gorbunov (KAPO). Among the documents there also was the «noise level» certificate — the one that for the first time has allowed Russian airplanes to fly over any continent without limitations. It should be noted that the numerous representatives of federal departments and accessory manufacturers have traveled to the celebration on this very TU-214. Alexander Gerasko, First Deputy Transport Minister of Russia, has declared that the civil aviation experts have long awaited this craft and the Kazan plane offers new prospects.
'To the new century on the wings of a new airplane'. The author of this metaphor, the Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev, felt happy. Only a few years ago did he declare (with all the leaders of Russia present) that this airplane was to be built. This plane is destined to exist — as well as all Russian aircraft manufacturing facilities. «Russia can do the mining, sometimes the selling, but what else can we do? We can also make airplanes!», --said Shaimiev then.
The fact that Russia can still keep up with the Western civil aircraft manufacturers could be observed by the whole world at last year's air show at Le Bourget, where 1900 firms from all over the world presented 242 aircraft. The Russian delegation, which displayed military super-aircraft, arrived in Paris on Kazan TU-214 later placed in the center of the exhibition. A little later German Gref, famous for his skepticism regarding the Russian machine-building industry, said after visiting KAPO, 'The future of the company is great, and TU-214 is magnificent'.

However, it is only one side of the coin. There is also the other side, which up to now has overshadowed the high spirits of the republic and plant leaders. The dramatic history of struggle for the right of the Kazan aircraft to live has seen pickets of starving workers and conflicts between Tatarstan government and federal departments, which seemed to have buried Russia's aircraft manufacturing.
The republic has taken the financial burden of creating the aircraft. Only 11,5 million rubles were spent from the federal budget (out of total of 1,2 billion rubles spent). There was a time (after August 1998 default), when 10 thousand KAPO employees, left without livelihood, were for some months provided with free food packages at the decision of republican authorities.
To create TU-214, to prove that it should become the alternative to Boeing and Airbus was only the first act of a drama held in broad public. The aircraft manufacturers and politicians did their job and left the stage to the financiers. The problem is that to get the factory at least to break-even levels one had to receive the orders for 20 aircraft from solvent clients. Nearly all the country's largest air companies wished to purchase the aircraft. China, India, and Egypt also took an interest in it. The estimated total potential order book for TU-214 is more than 30 machines. But in fact it was nothing more but «a wish» for the reason that there was no real financing scheme. Therefore not more than four or five aircraft are purchased in the country yearly.

As a rule, all the world's major air companies do not purchase aircraft, but lease them. However, until recently there has not been any organization in Russia capable of taking up such an expensive and responsible business. It was Tatarstan and the Khabarovsk region that became pioneers here; they collected the money for the first leasing in Russia's aircraft manufacturing history. Two TU-214s were purchased for the Khabarovsk company Dalavia through Financial Leasing Company founded by Tatneft. On July 4, 2001, the first production TU-214 made the first scheduled flight en route Khabarovsk — Moscow — Khabarovsk. These aircraft determine the future of the Russian civil aviation, said Pavel Sevastyanov, Dalavia General Director. The TU-214 economic parameters are twice as good as the IL-62's. Moreover, the Kazan aircraft is 50% cheaper than Boeing-757 and even surpasses it in the area of fuel-economy. Note that this is the opinion of the first buyer of Kazan-built aircraft.
However, leasing companies never act at their own risk. They also require state support. Moreover, banks that would lend money also need loan guaranties. Finally the Russian Government changed from vague concerns with the aircraft-manufacturing problems to specific actions. Last spring the long-awaited decision on state participation in aircraft leasing was taken. The leasing project offered by Tatarstan won the federal tender, and Financial Leasing Company was promised billions' worth of investments. Although, it has been a year since the money is expected. Meanwhile, the world demand for airplanes has slumped since September 11. As a result, the foreign aircraft manufacturers and leasing companies have reduced the prices, and Russian air companies started favoring Boeings and Airbuses. Those planes receive a lot of publicity, after all.

However, they keep on working in KAPO. They get the aircraft up to the requirements of the particular clients. For example, VIP-class aircraft are being constructed for the state transportation company Rossia responsible for air transportation of the leadership of Russia. There is also to be a cargo version of the plane. Some people want TU-214 to be equipped with Pratt & Whitney or Rolls Royce engines. That is possible, but more expensive. Meanwhile, the Kazan Engine Constructing Industrial Enterprise is completing the work on creating the fundamentally new engine 'NK-93' for TU-214. This engine is much better than other Russian engines in terms of fuel consumption, gas emission, and noise levels. The federal minister Ilya Klebanov called 'NK-93' the best engine not only in Russia, but also in the world.
Hardly has TU-214 been put into production, when those restless Kazan producers are rushing around with the new project that the Tupolev Company is so proud of — a regional 50-passenger TU-324, also known as administrative. Tatarstan Government initiated the creation of the new airplane. In cooperation with approximately 40 Russia's research institutes and design bureaus the projectors put the best Russia's aviation achievements into their creation. But this time the financial burden is too heavy for Tatarstan. And the situation in the Russian aviation is dramatic — if the new aircraft is not put into operation as soon as possible, the Russian interregional air communication might get cut off — there will be simply nothing to fly on. As there is no substitution for TU-134, AN-24, and YaK-40 that are past the end of their useful life.

Things are different at the Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ). It is one of few Russian air enterprises that not only remained afloat without state orders, but also managed to be successful. Over 90 percent of Kazan-produced helicopters are exported. There is no competitor for MI-8 and MI-17 helicopter families in search and rescue operations in Nepal mountains, fire-fighting in Malaysia, or fighting drug traffickers in Colombian jungle. This was officially stated by the governments of above-mentioned countries. General Velasco, Colombia air force commander, said that MI-17-lBs surpass similar foreign helicopters in many parameters. Russian helicopters rapidly became an integral part of Columbian armed forces and performed excellently in the mountains at any altitude. Following that, the armed forces of Malaysia decided to purchase such helicopters replacing the obsolete Sikorsky S-61.
In fact, the plant needn't have complicated its life and could have continued production of the old reliable MI-8s. But they are so outdated! Therefore nearly all profit of the enterprise is spent on new development, and on upgrading of production facilities. Almost each year KVZ presents a new modification. The «deluxe» version of MI-8MTV-1S being built in two copies only for the Russian President is expected to be the most famous. Both helicopters are equipped with the modern GPS navigation and landing system. The Governor of Chukotka Roman Abramovich ordered a similar helicopter in Kazan himself.
What surprised everyone most was that for the first time in the Russian aircraft manufacturing KVZ has itself developed and constructed a completely new light multi-purpose Ansat helicopter. This graceful «dragonfly» appeared to be wanted by the army for flying lessons to helicopter pilots. The advanced technologies used in the helicopter make it possible to simulate the flying conditions of both transport MI-8, and combat MI-24. It will no longer be necessary to fly heavy choppers and use up a lot of fuel. That is economical!
As for MI-8, it will become an exact antithesis of Ansat. It will be capable to lift 18 tons of cargo. It is a joint project with the German, French and Canadian firms. The first prototype is already at the stage of final assembly and waits for the first flight. Hopefully, successful.
Photo: Mikhail MEDVEDEV (Itar-TASS)